В том числе дяди в чёрных балахонах.
Ошибаешься! "Дяди в черных балахонах" как раз высказались однозначно. Я вчера по ссылкам с вики и сам полазил, что-то перевел. Инфы - море: В том числе отчОты пресловутых "дядей", из которых явствует: Дева Мария посетила "землю Египетскую".
Один "дядя в белом халате" (непоименованный каирский хирург) констатировал у пациента исчезновение раковой опухоли. И это "сводит его с ума":
"A patient of mine upon whom I had operated two
years ago for cancer retuned to my office three
weeks ago for a check-up. Upon examination I
discovered that the man had another tumor. I
actually felt the tumor during the internal examination and removed a piece of tissue for biopsy.
When the test showed it was malignant I recommended an immediate operation, but the man
refused, saying he did not have enough money,
and left the office. Two weeks later he returned
and asked for another examination. To my astonishment I could not find the tumor, but only some
white scar tissue. The man told me he had gone
to Zeitoun and prayed to the Virgin for help. I do
not believe in such miracles, but I cannot explain
the disappearance of the tumor and it is driving
me mad".
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